Arthur Drake Fiction Sat, 14 Dec 2024 04:46:04 +0000 en-US hourly 1 Arthur Drake Fiction 32 32 Knights Of The Blood: A Tale Of Dark Fantasy & Medieval Horror Is Now Live On Amazon Sat, 14 Dec 2024 04:46:04 +0000 I am excited to announce that my first medieval horror book Knights Of The Blood is now live and for sale on Amazon.

This is a book that’s taken me a while to write and get edited but that I am happy to finally be able to share.

Click here to check it out on Amazon.

Here’s the blurb:

To save those he loves, a knight must enter hell.

Cracks split the sky and Alaric, a knight of the realm, knows what they portend. Memories of his slaughtered family and destroyed village flood through his mind. Things are different now, now he has a wife and child, and he will do anything to ensure that they never go through what he went through.

But to do that he has to leave them. He has to leave them and enter a decayed world of untold terror. A world that took his birth family and now threatens his new. A threat that he has to meet. But what will it cost him? He was once too weak to protect those he loved and now the darkness is back with renewed strength.

Does he have what it takes?

Knights Of The Blood is a love letter inspired by other greats works such as Christopher Buehlman’s Between Two Fires, as well as Kentaro Miura’s Berserk, and finally Hidetaka Miyazaki’s Demon Souls and Dark Souls games. If you are a fan of the above then be sure to check out Knights Of The Blood.

So what are you waiting for? Click buy now and start you descent into madness today.

If you are a fan of dark fantasy or medieval horror then I recommend you check out Knights Of The Blood. It takes a lot of inspiration from the world of the “Soul’s” series of video games, especially Demon Souls and Dark Souls. As well as Miura’s Berserk and Buehlman’s Between Two Fires.

If you like knights, mages, mystics, priests, dark lands, demons, castles, and curses then this is a book that you’ll want to check out.

Click here to get yourself a copy.

2 Of The Best Horror Novels I Have Ever Read Thu, 12 Dec 2024 22:09:28 +0000 As far as reading habits go I was a late comer to horror. I read plenty of sword and sorcery, adventure tales, and classics before getting into horror. Horror was something I honestly never thought that I would have much interest in, much less a genre that I would ever write in.

But as they say, the only constant is change. I don’t remember what the first horror novel I picked up was but I remember devouring it. Much faster than I had the fantasy and adventure books that I had been reading.

And I thought, what is this?

So I picked up another.

And devoured it.

Soon a full blown addiction was to be had.

And I’ve never looked back sense. I found out that what I assumed horror was and what it actually was, were two VERY different things.

After all you know what they say about assuming.

But ever since that fateful day I have been reading (and writing) my fair share of horror and while I love the genre as a whole there are two books that really stood out to me.

One helped inspire me to write Knights Of The Blood, my first horror novel. And the other was one that cemented my love for the genre.

So without further ado, let’s get to the books.

Best Horror Novel I’ve Ever Read #1 – Between Two Fires by Christopher Buehlman

Between Two Fires changed what I thought the limits of horror could be. I love the “Soul’s” series of video games by Hidetaka Miyazaki and when I looked up novels that captured the ethos of the games this one was at the top of the list.

So naturally I had to read it.

And I did.

I loved it. So much so that it inspired me to read every medieval horror book that I could get my hands on. And while plenty were great and good fun, none of them were quite as good as Between Two Fires.

Castles, knights, demons, plague, monks, and more. This book has everything you could want from a medieval horror novel and more.

If you have not read it then go ahead and pick up a copy. There’s not much out there like it. It’s about the only novel I can think of that inspired me to write one of my own medieval horror novels. A genre that I plan on sticking with.

You can purchase Between Two Fires here.

Best Horror Novel I’ve Ever Read #2 – The Fisherman by John Langan

This book is heavy, but not in a bad way. If most horror novels are beer, this is like straight whiskey. As soon as I started it I knew it was not going to be a book that I was going to zip through.

And I was perfectly okay with that.

This book takes the best of genre horror and mashes it with the best of literary horror and makes it something unique and all its own. There are images from this book that stick with me and its one that I return to again and again.

This book cemented that the horror genre was the one for me. Without it I may very well still be looking for a genre to call home. Both in writing and for the majority of my reading. This book combines aspects of H. P. Lovecraft with Herman Melville and more.

And it works.

It does take a second to get going but once its going, its like a train going full steam ahead into worlds you never seen before. Its not a beach read, it’s a sit in a comfy chair with a fire going while it blizzards outside type of read.

You can pick up a copy of The Fisherman here.

What Is Your Favorite Horror Novel?

These were two of my favorites. They are two works that mean a lot to me and that I will always hold close to my heart. I am always on the search for the next great read. Something we discuss often on the newsletter. If you’d like to hear about more great reads and join in the discussion be sure to sign up there.

And if you’re in the mood for some medieval horror be sure to check out my latest book Knights Of The Blood!

I appreciate it.

Writing My First Medieval Horror Novel Wed, 11 Sep 2024 02:30:50 +0000 I am excited to write that I have almost finished my latest project. A dark fantasy, medieval horror novel reminiscent of Berserk, Between Two Fires, or the Soul’s series of video games.

This is a genre that I have wanted to write in for a very long time but did not feel like I was ready to do it justice just yet.

But after writing twenty plus sword and sorcery novels I felt a call to pivot genres and start writing something different.

That something being medieval horror.

Sword & Sorcery, Dark Fantasy, & Medieval Horror

I’ve noticed that my writing habits have a lot to do with my reading habits. Where I started out reading more action oriented stories and novels I felt like writing sword and sorcery. Things like Conan and the like. That was the genre where I felt most at home. However after reading more and more I felt like something was missing from my reading experience.

Then almost by chance I stumbled across a few horror authors. And I devoured their books like a hungry dogs does a piece of bacon. However I did not realize that horror was a genre that appealed so much to me. I figured it was simply the skill of the author and not the genre.

And while the skill of the author certainly matters, I was missing something big.

See in my head horror was slasher movies, vampires, men in ridiculous wolfmen costumes, jump scares, and either general cheesiness, grossness, or too much gore. It was only by being exposed to “deeper” horror did I realize I had a deep love for the genre.

A Story Of Medieval Horror

This love led me to writing the first book in the Kingdom of Ash & Sorrow series. A new horror series that I plan on writing at least a trilogy in. I have yet to name the first book but it involves a knight who must enter a cursed world to save those that he loves and keep the cursed world from overwhelming his own.

This book is both dark fantasy and medieval horror. I draw a lot of inspiration from the Souls series of video games, as well as authors like Gene Wolfe and books like Between Two Fires by Christopher Buehlman. If any of the above interest you then this will be a book you’ll want to check out.

I’ve been wanting to write it forever and seeing it near completion is exciting to say the least.

Dark Fantasy & Horror

I’m excited to write horror. To explore depths of the genre. I feel like I am finally to a point where I can do such a story some justice.

Or at least attempt too.

Only time will tell if I succeeded.

Regardless, I learned a lot in the journey and am grateful for it. Just like I’m grateful for you. Without readers like you I could not do this and could never dream of making it as a full time author.

So thank you for reading.

I’ll have more on the first book in the Kingdom of Ash & Sorrow soon.

Until Next Time,

-Arthur Drake

P.S. Be sure to follow me on Amazon so you’ll be alerted when the book does finally come out.

2 Great Soulsborne Reads That I Don’t See Listed Very Often Thu, 29 Aug 2024 17:29:07 +0000 I’m a big fan of dark fantasy and horror. If you couldn’t tell. They are two of my favorite genres, with sword and sorcery being the third.

And my favorite type of dark fantasy/horror is soulsbourne reads.

Now if you’re wondering “What the heck is a soulsborne read?” then click the link below for a brief description.

Click here if you want to know what a “soulsborne” novel is.

But for the short version, a soulsborne novel is one that takes inspiration from Hidetaka Miyazaki’s influential “souls” series of video games. Demon’s Souls, Dark Souls, Bloodborne, Elden Ring, and the like.

Dark fantasy worlds of horror that also draw from myth.

Think knights, think monsters, think dark castles and fog drenched landscapes. Think forgotten and forlorn worlds, you get the idea.

But anyways, I see a lot of lists about good soulsborne novels or ‘novels like dark souls’ and the like. And I see a lot of good recommendations.

Along with plenty of recommendations that leave me scratching my head.

However, there are two reads that really captured the essence of the world and series for me. Two reads that I wish I could find more of as they understood what the soulsborne world was all about.

And they are two stories that you probably do not hear or see mentioned very often.

The First Great Little Known Soulsborne Read – Hellmouth by Giles Kristian

Now at 680 reviews I guess calling this little known is a bit of misnomer. However this is a book that hits the nail directly on the head and yet I don’t think it gets the love that it deserves.

First a word of warning, Hellmouth is graphic. So if that is not your thing then this is a novella that you are going to want to skip. However, if that is not a problem for you then read on.

So I don’t want to give too much away but Hellmouth follows a band of mercenaries who enter a dark forest and find…things, they did not expect to find there. Like I said I don’t want to give away too much but it’s a great read.

The Second Great Little Known Soulsborne Read – The Corrupted Kingdom by Jesse Galena

Now, this one actually is little known, and its hit the setting and ‘feel’ of soulsborne novels better than any other read that I can think of.

It’s been awhile since I’ve read it but it’s more short story than novel. I loved the setting and the feeling of this short story. Despite the book being so short there are some images and scenes that stuck out in my mind and I still remember today.

And I mean that in a good way.

2 Great Soulsborne Reads

If you want to pick up either book here are clickable links to each. Both authors are talented and both books are worth reading.

Hellmouth by Giles Kristian

The Corrupted Kingdom by Jesse Galena

And if you’re a fan of the dark fantasy/horror/soulsborne genre then you’ll want to check out my most recent release. Knights Of The Blood. Just click the picture below to be taken to the Amazon page.

Thanks for reading!

What Makes A Novel Soulsborne? Fri, 16 Aug 2024 03:33:45 +0000 Soulsborne, souls-born, souls-like, whatever you want to call it. If you’re of fan of dark fantasy or horror then you’ve likely heard this word pop up more than a few times when perusing books or looking for that next read.

Essentially what soulsborne means is something that is similar to games from a company called From Software, in particular their series of games with souls in the name.

Demon’s Souls, Dark Souls 1-3, Bloodborne, and now Elden Ring. With graduating or leaving sword and sorcery behind, soulsborne are the type of novels that I have the most interest in writing.

But I wanted to take a moment to help explain what they are, both for people who are looking for such reads and for those that have no idea what I’m talking about but are fans of dark fantasy and horror just like me.

Why I Love & Want To Write Soulsborne Novels

Now at first it may be strange to want to write novels after a series of video games. But frankly the ‘soulsborne’ transcends video games and can be seen as anything from an aesthetic art type to a visceral feeling. We’ll discuss both in this article and also why I love them.

First off, the world that Hidetaka Miyazaki created stems from many different sources. From Western myth and fantasy to personal life experience. Forged together he created one of the most memorable and creative dark fantasy worlds today.

I’m not a huge gamer but I’ve played through most of his games simply to exist through his world. To experience the grand gothic architecture, the otherworldly monsters, the deep and often heartbreaking lore, and the brave knights, mystics, and priests who try to survive through it.

It is very mythological in its design and structure, at least to my eyes. There is a deepness to it that I do not experience with much other art or worlds. While Game Of Thrones or The Witcher are very well written and have interesting worlds, the former does not engage me at all and the latter not as much as the soulsborne world.

Hidetaka Miyazaki is, before anything else, a great story teller. At least in my mind. A modern myth maker.

But what makes a novel soulborne? When I go to write my next novel, what am I looking for to bring this feeling to life?

Finding Your Next Great Dark Fantasy/Horror Read Through Soulsborne Novels

So to make sure that I am giving you the best information possible, and not angering the internet too much. I have perused what others have said about what makes a novel soulsborne and sort of compiled what I thought best and most relevant here.

First off is you are not familiar with the games, start there. Watch a trailer of any of the dark souls games and you’ll get a general idea of the feel of the world and story telling. But from there, here are general features of soulsborne novels.

First and foremost we have genre considerations and there’s a lot of debate on this. What is generally not debated is the soulsborne novels are dark fantasy that strongly lean towards the horror side of things.

Others say they’re Grimdark, another genre of novels, but others vehemently disagree. I agree with those that disagree. Grimdark novels are those that generally are…well dark. They are about the awfulness of the world, the people in it, and pretty much the awfulness of existence itself.

They are nihilistic for the most part. Whereas soulsborne novels are dark, there is a hint of redemption to their worlds. The world is dark, very dark, but there is a sort of silver lining to things. There are hints of beauty and there is a chance, though slim, of revival, or goodness, or something close to it.

Grimdark is amoral, where soulsborne novels, like horror, are moral or at least have a moral center. At least in my eyes and with what I strive to write. But again there is no true consensus.

A gothic medieval setting is generally preferred as well as a sense of world that was once grand but has now fallen from grace. Dying worlds feature strongly in this genre.

Demons, warped beings, and impossibly large monsters feature heavily. It takes myth/fantasy and slaps it together with horror for some grotesque as well as pitiable creatures.

A lot of mystery and “quiet” moments to the stories. Not just relentless action.

Not much of the grossness or violence for violence sakes of some horror. No power fantasies or everything shiny-ness of fantasy. Not really Grimdark because of the slim vein of hope that runs through them.

In soulsborne there is a chance for victory but the chance is slim. There is a moral center.

I think mythology would be the best genre to truly describe these type of novels.

And again sort of like ‘grimdark’ or ‘sword and sorcery’ there are no iron clad definitions and no one will agree on everything. This is just my humble opinion on a few things. And what I personally strive to write.

I’d describe them as if Stephen King meets Tolkien in a way. Maybe thrown in a bit of Lovecraft as well.

Finding Soulsborne Reads

With my publishing of The Tarnished Champion, for now my last true ‘sword and sorcery’ novel. I have pivoted to a more dark fantasy/horror slant and I think soulsborne is a great way to describe the books that I am currently writing.

So if you are looking for something along those lines then be sure to check out my amazon page below.

Click here for Arthur Drake Amazon Page.

But in the mean time I will start collecting some works that I think hit the genre and will list some of them here.

So stay tuned!

Thanks For Reading.

-Arthur Drake

Upcoming Promotion For The Dark Rises Tue, 30 Jul 2024 17:44:23 +0000 There is an upcoming promotion for The Dark Rises, the first book of the Dread Lands Series.

Here is a brief description of the book.

Rainer was looking forward to serving his time and getting back to the cushy capital he came from, the last thing he expected was an ancient menace rising from the deserted lands around him.

Rainer expected to live out his days as a soldier patrolling the most pleasant place in the entire empire, the capital city. He had worked hard to get a post that would require little work and provide lots of fun for him. And that’s exactly what he found in the capital. Lazy patrols flirting with girls, nights drinking away his earnings at the brothel with his squad mates, it was all Rainer could ever ask for.

But that all changes with one simple mistake. Next thing he knows he’s being shipped out to worst place in the empire, the dread lands, to serve the rest of his time in the army. Rainer settles in for a life of monotony staring at hills and hills of dirt and rock. The nearest town is miles away and there’s only one road to get there. He’s stuck out there where the only thing to die of, is boredom.

But while on patrol his squad mate is attacked by a strange beast. Alarms are raised but it couldn’t be that big of deal. Just a strange animal that wandered out onto the wastes. But then there’s a stomping in the night and something marches for the raggedy outpost. Something not seen for many ages.

Now what he thought would be a life of drudgery has turned into a desperate struggle for survival. Can he face this ancient threat? Can he keep his squad mates together and alive? And can he take them out of the dread lands? Or will all be lost?

The Dark Rises is the first book in The Dread Land series by Arthur Drake, a dark fantasy sword and sorcery series. Fans of fantasy that’s fast paced and with lots of action will find much to enjoy here. Daring sword battles, sieges of great forts, mysterious evils from ancient days, and much more.

The book will be 2.99 from August 10th through August 19th. Be sure to get a copy while you can.

The Exile Series Is Now In Paperback Wed, 24 Jul 2024 00:58:10 +0000 Hey there,

Just wanted to let you know that you can now get all 6 of The Exile series in paperback format. These are my first paperbacks and I’m excited to share them with you.

The Exile is my latest series that follows the adventures of Kaiser. A Guardian of the people who is unfairly exiled to the underworld for defending his daughter. There he will do anything to make it back home and save his daughter from a sadistic stepmother that blames her for her father’s crime.

All six books are available for purchase and in paperback.

Here are the covers below.

I’m very happy with how the covers turned out and am looking forward to being able to display them on my shelf and maybe get a few copies to local libraries.

I was expecting the process of turning the regular covers into paperbacks to be much harder. But I just bought from a reputable seller on Fiverr and not even a day later I had the first cover that I wanted.

If you’re interested in checking out the books click here.

If you enjoyed The Dark Rises or The Horse Lord series then you’ll enjoy The Exile series. It’s probably my last full sword and sorcery series as I lean more into horror in my upcoming works. Though there are aspects of horror in the novel as well.

If you haven’t signed up for the newsletter be sure to check it out. On there we discuss upcoming releases, talk about sword & sorcery as well as horror, and I write about what’s going on in my life and with the books.

You’ll also be the first to hear about any deals going on.

All you have to do is go to the signup page and enter your email.

You’ll get a free book and will start getting the weekly newsletter.

Just click here for the newsletter.

And as always,

Thanks for reading

-Arthur Drake

The Town: A Short Story Of Action & Horror Thu, 18 Feb 2021 04:00:00 +0000 Balthazar pulled his cloak tighter around him. He saw his breath mist up in front of him and blow away on the wind. It wasn’t supposed to be so cold yet, but this had been a strange year. A few neighboring towns had spoke of witchcraft and creatures in the night, a baby had gone missing in another town, a farmer found torn to shreds in another. All around his own little town of Prudence there had been dark tidings. Yet so far nothing had happened here. As if this little town was protected by some bubble.

The preacher had said it was because they were true believers and those in the other town not. But Balthazar had met many a man and women who were anything but true believers in this town. Were those in the others towns really that bad? He didn’t think so. Nevertheless the guard had been doubled. He had work to do at home yet here he was, staring into these dense woods with a poleax. The leaves had fallen from the trees and formed wet clumps on the ground. Leaving everything spare. The animals had started going away too, yet one more problem.

It was just this weather he told himself. Has everyone losing their mind. A strange year, weather a little different, and people think the world is coming to an end. Nonsense, really. People die every year, why just last year Mother Vienna was found mauled by a bear. Yet that wasn’t chalked up to ghouls or devils of the night. Balthazar shuddered, he remember finding her, amazed at the power of the beast. Who needed ghouls with creatures like that? Ever since then he had slept less sound. He even forbade his wife from going out after dark. They found and killed the bear, but it did little. It didn’t bring back Mother Vienna nor did it do anything to quell the fear that has spread.


Balthazar turned around to see a cloaked man walking towards him, his hood up and arms clasped tight around him.

“Nathaniel.” replied Balthazar.

“It’s getting cold out here.”

“It’s too early for this chill.”

“I know, strange times, strange times indeed.”

“You here to relieve me?”

“Afraid so.”

Balthazar nodded and handed the poleax over to him “Try to stay awake. Watching the leaves rustle does get boring after an hour or three.”

“Don’t I know it. Go quick, Mother Matrid is still serving the food.”

Balthazar rushed away towards the center of the town. It was a small town, one main street with a church that also served as a court, and a small school house. Not much, but enough to qualify as a town in these parts. Though he always thought village would be a more accurate term. He saw the townspeople lined up on a set of long benches made for eating. Women in bonnets moved back and forth among them serving food. Balthazar found a open spot at a crowded table and sat down.

“Balthazar, how nice of you to join us.” Father Brown, an older man and father of Balthazar’s closest friend smiled “How are things at the perimeter?”

“Cold and boring.”

The table laughed as Balthazar was served a plate of food.

“I’m sorry if its a bit cold dear. I do wish they would bump the cooking time back a short while, that way those coming back from the watch could get it nice and warm.” said Mother Matrid.

“It’s fine mother, I’m too hungry to care anyways.”

“Such a sweet dear.” said Mother Matrid as she walked away.

“You see any monsters?” asked Quinton, Father Brown’s youngest.

“Enough of that talk son. Don’t bother Balthazar with such foolish questions.”

Balthazar turned to Quinton “Oh, I saw plenty of monsters.”

“You did?”

“Terrifying monsters alright. Big things with fangs and sickly skin. Were headed right towards your cabin last I checked, said something about hiding under a bed.”

Quinton’s eyes grew wide, he spun turning to Father Brown “Father! Are there monsters in the house?”

Father Brown chuckled “Run along and forget about such talk of monsters Quinton.”

Quinton got up from the table eyeing the two, then shot off towards other boys running in the distance.

“Forgive him, he’s young.”

“It’s fine Father, tell me how does John fare? Have you any news?” Balthazar took a large sip from the bowl placed before him.

“No more than last time my boy. Last I heard he was traveling to Hospitality. Can you imagine that? My boy working as a doctor there?”

“It’s quite an accomplishment.”

“So it is, so it is.” Father Brown looked down, his eyes misty.

“What is it Father?”

“Oh…nothing, I just miss him so. I know he’s off doing important things. I just wish those things brought him around more then they do.”

“I understand, I miss him to.”

“I know you do lad. I know…though with all these things that have been going on, I’m glad he’s not here. Not right now.”

“I think people are just getting spooked Father. The cold weather and all.”

“It has been cold, dreadfully cold. Wonder where it came from?”

“Not sure.”

“But there’s more to it than that.”

“What do you mean?”

Father Brown looked around at his family filling the table “After you’ve had your fill, why don’t you go on a walk with me.”

“Of course Father.”

“I’ll be waiting.” Father Brown stood up and left the table.

Balthazar watched him go then returned to his meal. Taking his time savoring every bite. He had been on watch eight hours, he felt he deserved it.

He found Father Brown sitting by his house. Seeing Balthazar he gave a wave and started for the woods. Balthazar jogged the short distance between them to catch up.

“What’s the hurry father?”

Father Brown glanced over his shoulder and back to the woods “There are some things I wish to discuss with you, but not here.”

They went past the guards and into the forest.

“Be careful out there!” called Jeremiah, a guard, as they passed.

“We’ll be back shortly.” replied Father Brown with a wide smile.

The smile disappeared as they entered the solitude of the woods.

“Come, I have fears Balthazar.”

“Fears father? Fears of what?”

“About all of these tidings that are going on.”

“Father don’t let these things get to you. People spook, it’s what they do. Some little change in their life and they’re off ascribing it to various devils, demons, and spooks of the night.”

“I know, I know boy. It’s more then that though…” Father Brown sighed.

“What is it?”

“It’s about John.”

“What about him?”

“I haven’t heard from him in over three months, about since the time all these stories started cropping up.”

“Father, John’s a doctor, and a traveling one at that. I’m sure he’s just busy or perhaps he never got your letter.”

“That’s what I thought, so I kept writing. I told him it was fine to just write when he could. That me and Mother Mary missed him so. How the children were doing and all that. But then I got a letter back.”

“A letter from John?”

“No, from someone I had never heard of in my life.”

“Who? What did it say?”

“Patience boy. He didn’t say much. Just that strange things were happening throughout the countryside. He said to beware and take caution. That this blackness across the land had already hit villages and towns all through the North, and was working its way down. My first thoughts went to John and why I hadn’t heard back from him. The letter went on to say that Prudence was next to come under attack. That was a month ago and I haven’t heard anything since.”

“Who signed the letters.”

“A John, but not my own. The handwriting was completely different.”

“Who delivered the letter?”

“That’s the other thing. I just found it on my doorstep one morning. It hadn’t been there the night before and I heard no one during the night. It spooked me even before I opened the dreaded thing. There’s something going on out there Balthazar. I don’t want to raise a panic but there’s something dark in these woods and I fear whatever it is may have gotten to my boy.”

“The letter is strange father, there is no doubt about that. But that does not mean John has come to any harm. The cities stay safe at night. Even the letter says its been towns and villages that have been struck, not cities.”

“Still, why haven’t I heard back from my son?”

“I don’t know but there’s no reason to rush to conclusions.”

“Maybe not…keep a watchful eye Balthazar. Though it may be nothing more then the work of man, we all know how evil man that can get.”

“I will father, now can we go back in? It’s getting cold out here.”

“Of course my boy, of course. Keep this little chat between you and me?”

“I will father.”

Balthazar sat on his porch. Outside snowflakes fell. At first he had been startled and called his wife to come see. ‘Snowflakes this early?’ she had said. They had run around in them before she retired for the night. The snow continued falling and something was keeping him up. He stared at the woods surrounding their cabin. He had never seen snow this early, much less this much. It was starting to coat the ground and looked like it wouldn’t be melted by morning. Balthazar adjusted the pipe in mouth and inhaled.

He watched the orange glow from the burning tobacco and then blew out a long trail of smoke, watching it disappear into the moonlit sky. He stared at the moon when he heard the snap of a twig somewhere in the woods. He nearly dropped his pipe as he looked back down. He placed one hand on the ax by his side. He stared into the woods but didn’t see anything. He shook his head and relaxed his grip on the ax. Probably a deer or something. He took another puff on the pipe and resumed watching the smoke trail drift up into the sky.

The snow started coming down harder. They were barely done with the harvest season and already this. It was the weather that had everyone so out of sorts. A slight change in the weather and everyone loses their mind. Like a full moon but ten times worse. Balthazar smiled and shook his head. What foolishness.

“It’s just a bit of weather.” he said.

“Balthazar.” Balthazar shot out of the chair, his heart in his throat.

Someone had spoke from right next to him. He spun and saw a figure there. Balthazar fell back off his porch pointing a shaking hand at the figure.

“Who…who…who are you?”

The figure stepped forward and threw back a hood revealing a familiar face.

“John!” shouted Balthazar standing back up “Why, what on earth are you doing? I nearly died of fright.”

“I apologize friend…I was afraid, wanted to see you now…in case I couldn’t later.”

“What are you talking about? You are always welcome here.”

“I know, it’s not that. Can we talk inside?”

“Of course, Sarah’s asleep so we’ll have to be quiet, but come. We still have a fire going.” Balthazar grabbed his ax and headed into the two roomed house he had built.

“A bit warmer in here.” said Balthazar “Come, take a seat, how have you been?”

John glanced around the room and back towards the door.

“What’s wrong John? You act as if the devil himself were chasing you.”

John cracked a smile “Not quite.” he took a seat, the smile gone, and looked at Balthazar “I have much to tell you.”

“Then speak friend, have you seen your father yet? He’s worried sick about you.”

John looked down at the ground “I know he is.”

Balthazar cocked his head to the side “What did you want to speak with me about? How’s being a doctor in the city? You must meets all sorts of interesting people.”

“I do…I came to talk to you about everything that’s been going on around these parts.”

Balthazar laughed “Goodness you don’t mean the ‘darkness’ do you? Surely as a doctor you know its nonsense. Weather’s changed a bit and people are losing their heads.”

“It’s more then that.”


“A great deal more.”

“What’s going on?”

“I don’t know how to start, I…I saw things up North. Things I’ll never forget, no matter how dearly I want to.”

“Being a doctor isn’t easy, you knew that when you signed up. I’m sure you see all sorts of horrors.”

“It’s more than that Balthazar.”

“What is it?”

“I’m not talking about natural things here. I’m not talking about blood and guts and measles and bumps and the like. I’m talking about things that aren’t of this world, or at least shouldn’t be.”

“Not of this world? You sound like a mad man John.”

“I wish I were. Part of me still hopes that I may be. Balthazar the land is sick and the sickness is spreading.”

“What did you see John?”

“There are things in the woods. Things that creep about, they follow the one in red.”

“One in red? And if the woods are so dangerous what are you doing stalking about at night in them? And coming all the way down from the north?”

“I had to get away. I’ve traveled night and day as fast as I could to get here. And your house is the first place I went.”

“But these sightings have gone on for awhile now John.”

“I know. I wrote them off when I first heard of them. It wasn’t until I saw him with my own eyes did I flee.”


“The one in red.”

“Who is the one in red?”

“He commands the things that stalk through the land.”

“What things John?”

“The creatures.”

Balthazar shook his head and leaned forward “John…” he looked up at his friend “Did you write that letter to your father?”

“Letter to my father? No, I haven’t had any contact with him. Did he get a letter?”

“He got a letter, a letter from a John warning him about what was coming. He didn’t think it was yours because of the handwriting.”

Balthazar saw worry cross John’s face. He looked back towards the door.

“I have to be going.”

“Going, going where?” asked Balthazar.

“I fear for my father.” John stood up and walked towards the door.

“Hold on, you won’t be going alone.” said Balthazar grabbing his ax.

“No Balthazar, stay here.”

“What’s going on?” asked a woman’s voice.

Balthazar saw the door open and Sarah peek her head out.

“I have to make a trip to Father Brown’s dear, I’ll be back.”

“Is…is that John?”

“It’s good to see you Sarah. I apologize but I must be off. I have traveled far and must be getting home.”

Sarah glanced from one to the other. John gave a slight bow and pushed the door open, walking out. Balthazar followed after. John spun and placed a hand on his chest.

“Stay here, do not leave your wife out here alone at night. There is too much that stalks these lands.”

Balthazar looked at the forest around him. What had been so peaceful to him a short time ago now took on an air of foreboding. He glanced back to John and saw he had taken off into the snow, headed towards his fathers. He shook his head and went back in the house. He put a chair by the door and slept there for the night.

Balthazar looked at the corpse before him. The only way to tell that it was Father Brown was from the usual grey suit that he wore. The body was being taken from John’s house. He looked over at John, his mother clinging to him. John glanced up at Balthazar, a knowing look on his face. Balthazar walked over them.

“It’s just horrible.” said John’s mother.

“I know mother, I know. James.” John turned to his next eldest brother “Take mother and get her something to drink. I have to talk with Balthazar.”

James walked off with their mother into the house.

“What happened?” asked Balthazar.

“Something got to him, something that wasn’t human.”

“When did this happen?”

“During the night, as I was coming up to the house.”

“What did you see?”

“Something clawing up the side of the house, getting into their window on the top floor. The claw marks are still there, though mother has convinced herself it was a burglar.”

“Be the first robbery we’ve had in Prudence since it was settled.”

“So it would.”

“I’m sorry…”

“I know…so am I. But…that things not done.”

“What do you mean?”

John stepped out from the doorway and away from the house “These things don’t happen in isolation. This won’t be the only attack. They’ll be back, though a different house will be chosen.”

“How will we know which one?”

“We won’t. I don’t know what to do Balthazar. Anyone I tell this too will think I’m mad.” John kept walking towards the rear of the house “I’m already being held in suspicion. I come back during the night and the next morning my father’s murdered.”

“No one in this town thinks you murdered your father.”

“You don’t know that…here.”

John pointed up the rear of the house. There Balthazar saw three holes were claws had scraped up the side of the house and into a shattered window up top.

“What are we going to do?”

“If we can find the one in red, we can stop all of this. He’ll be close, that’s why things are starting here.”

“The one in red? You know where to find him?”

“I have a hunch…” John coughed, tears coming to his eyes “I knew this was coming. I should have gotten here sooner.”

“There was nothing you could have done. We find the one in red and we’ll deal with this.”

John looked over at him “Grab your bow and I’ll see if I can get a few of the town’s muskets. The one in red is dangerous. Meet my here at sundown.”

Balthazar warmed his hands on his coat. It’d be hard pulling back a bowstring with his fingers so numb. It had gotten even colder then it was the night before. Snow covered the ground and the winds were howling. John walked a few paces ahead of him, a musket slung over either shoulder. He held a torch ahead of him that whipped back and forth with the wind. They were headed deeper into the woods. John had barely said a word since they met. A quick hello and then they were tromping through the forest.

Balthazar kept close. He noticed John was shaking when he met him and figured it was from the cold, but maybe it was something else. Who was the one in red? And what power did it have? Questions swirled through Balthazar’s mind as they continued into the night. The moon was high in the sky, casting light down through the leafless trees. The snow piled higher the further they went. Balthazar feared getting stuck out here. Even if the one in red or its creatures of the night didn’t get to him, the cold might.

“John!” called out Balthazar but he was drowned out by the wind “John.” he called again getting closer.

John didn’t respond.

Balthazar reached out and tapped John on the back. He spun around wide eyed, one hand on the dagger he kept at his waist.

“John it’s me!”

John’s eyes went back to normal “You scared me half to death.”

“I tried calling, but the wind.”


Balthazar shook his head and leaned in “Where are we going?”

“Not much further.”

John turned around and went on. Balthazar trailing after. Ahead of them he could make out a cluster of trees close together. They neared the cluster and John found a small opening to go in. Balthazar followed after. Inside the landscape changed. The wind was almost a whisper and the snow was half the height it was outside.

“What sorcery is this?” asked Balthazar.

“I’ve found these spots all through my travels. I was able to keep warm but that’s when I saw him.”

“The one in red?”

“Yes, he should be here soon.”

“You think muskets will kill such a creature?”

“If they don’t, then we don’t have any other options do we?”

Balthazar shrugged. They found a spot in the circle of trees, behind some dying brush and sat down.

“Now we wait.” said John.

They sat and waited. The snow fell but not all of it would stick. The moon started to descend when they heard movement across the clearing. They saw the trees part and a robed figure walk in. It was bent over but still taller then a man, its robes were red, and it walked with a large stick for support. It had its hood up but Balthazar spotted a snout peeking out the front. Balthazar looked over to John who was fast asleep. He reached out and grabbed John’s shoulder, giving him a light shake. John didn’t respond. Balthazar shook him harder, still no response. He poked John with his finger but he wouldn’t wake.

“He’s going to stay that way.” the one in red spoke “You can come on out Balthazar, I know you’re here.”

Balthazar stood up, grabbing one of John’s muskets as he did.

“Have you come here to kill me?” the one in red hobbled towards him.

“If I must.”

The one in red nodded. He looked up at Balthazar revealing his full countenance. He had a long rat like snout and two dark eyes set in a furry face.

“And why is that?”

“You’re terrorizing the countryside. You’ve killed men, women, and children.”

“I have?”

Balthazar nodded.

“And you have proof of my misdeeds then?”


“Yet you would still kill me?”

Balthazar glanced over at John then back to the one in red “What did you do? Did you cast a spell on him?”

“I did nothing to John, Balthazar. He is simply asleep.”

“But how did you know that? How did you know my name?”

The one in red sighed and hobbled forward a few more steps “Sit with me.” he said.

The one in red stretched out a gnarled finger and pointed at the ground. The snow there melted in a circle giving them a spot to sit. The one in red sat on a stump and motioned for Balthazar to sit across from him. Balthazar knelt, the musket at the ready.

“Did John say where he met me?”

“In a clearing like this.”

“Is that right? What else did he say?”

“That was it.”

“I see.” the one in red nodded “And how did he know that I was responsible for all of this? All these things that have been happening?”

“I don’t know.”

“Strange, yet he knew right where to find me.”

“What are you saying?”

“Balthazar.” the beady black eyes locked with Balthazar’s “Me and John are linked. We have been ever since he first met me outside the woods of the hospital. Most chase me off, but John, John was different. He wanted to know who and what I was. I told him and he wanted some of that power for himself. So I gave him some, in exchange I’d have access to his mind. Know his thoughts, his location, even his feelings towards me.”

“So…who are you?”

“I am the one in red.”

“You’re a sorcerer?”

“Of sorts.”

“Why do you attack the towns and villages?”

“Have I done that much? I need power to survive, to keep going. From towns of hundreds I take one or two most. From villages I take one. John knew this and knew that if he wanted more power he’d have to join in on it.”

“What do you mean?”

“You think this work was my doing alone? John has been busier than me. Which is why you’re here. John saw me as a threat and wants me done for. He can feed off my death and grow stronger than ever before.”

“Why didn’t you kill him last night? Why did you go after his father?”

“Go after his father?” the one in red shook his head and sighed “There is a particular way my magic works. It is sustained and grows by life, but the value of that life makes it grow stronger. When I take from a town or village I am granted strength and life. But when I take from that which I know or love my power is magnified by that amount.”

“You’re saying John killed Father Brown?”

The one in red nodded “I’m afraid so.”

“I don’t believe you.”

“You don’t have to. I would take his musket if I were you, he’s waking.”

Balthazar glanced over at John and back at the one in red “I’ll be just fine.”

The one in red nodded. Balthazar heard John stirring then give a shout.

“It’s him.”

John rushed over and stood looking between the two “Balthazar, what are you doing? You should have shot him already.”

“He…he knew I was here.”

John spun and drew his knife, dropping the musket. He charged at the one in red. The one in red shot up. The two met in a tangle of limbs and sinew. The one in red started to change before Balthazar’s eyes. Growing larger. Balthazar took a few steps back and began preparing his musket. He watched as John’s dagger pierced into the one in red, again and again with a almost inhuman speed. The one in red began to bulge out of its robes. The creature was growing faster and faster. John slammed the dagger into the creature’s neck three times, faster then Balthazar had ever seen a man move. The on in red stumbled forward on top of John who pushed him to the side. It fell to the ground where it made a gurgling sound. The one in red was roughly a third larger then he had been when the fight started. Balthazar looked over at John. He was staring down at the one in red with a smile on his face.

“What did you need me for?” asked Balthazar.

“You helped me get the drop on him. He thought his lies could turn you.”

“How much of that was lies?”

“Not all, I’ll admit that. I’m sorry I had to deceive you. If you thought I had met with this creature before, then I was afraid you might be suspicious of me.”

“Did you make a deal with that thing?”

“I was curious nothing more and nothing less. And I would never touch my father, you know this. Come, let us return home. The darkness should be clearing up.”

Balthazar fingered the musket, staring at John.

“What is it?”

“I’ve never seen any man, or beast for that matter, move as fast as you just did.”

“You have nothing to fear from me. If I wanted to slay you, would I have not done it last night? When I first came to you?”

“I guess so.” Balthazar let his grip relax on the musket.

“Now let’s get away from this dark place.”

They went back towards John’s home, the wind and snow gone. John leading as always. What he had just seen tumbled around in Balthazar’s mind as they went. He watched John ahead of him, something was different in the way he walked. He swayed side to side, his arms closed in around him. Balthazar paused, something was wrong. John had his head low and Balthazar saw a ripple through his body. Balthazar raised the musket and prepared it to fire.


He got no response.


Still no response.

Balthazar stopped and lifted the musket.


His friend’s body shivered, like the skin and bones were shifting underneath his coat.

Balthazar aimed the musket at the back of John’s neck, then fired. He walked over and kicked John’s body over. His face had been transformed into a gooey black, almost reptilian looking thing. His hands were no longer hands but blackened appendages with three long claws on each. Balthazar shuddered and drew his ax. He lifted it up and aimed for the neck, he never missed.

The dark tidings across the land has simmered down but that did nothing to loose the noose that was tight around Balthazar’s neck. He looked out at a town that hated him, dark faces, save one, all around.

“You have been tried and found guilty of the murders of both Father Brown and his son John Brown. You have been sentenced to be hung by the neck until death.” the constable continued his speech the rest of the words lost to Balthazar.

Balthazar’s attention turned to the woods around him. Sarah had gone to live with her parents in Harmony. She’d be safe there, she’d have plenty of suitors. She was young and only recently married. There had been nights in the time since he saw John that he thought he was mad. When they had found him, they had found nothing but a normal human body, except the severed head with the bullet through it. But deep down Balthazar knew what had happened. He knew what lurked out there in those woods and he doubted that John and the one in red were the last of it.

He heard a final command then the sound of the floor underneath him dropping, tight extreme pressure, then blackness.

The Mountain Of Nod: An Antediluvian Horror Short Story Tue, 26 Jan 2021 05:00:00 +0000 Yabrauk wrapped his arms around him, holding his spear in the crook of his elbow “It’s cold friend.”

His companion Rothart, looked over at him and nodded “What’d you expect? Come, we can’t dwell here long.”

Rothart started up the winding mountain trail. Yabrauk following behind him, his teeth chattering. This mountain was cursed, they weren’t supposed to be here. How had he let Rothart convince him to do this? The skins wrapped tight around him provided little protection against the cold. And this mountain was the coldest place in the land, unnaturally so. He looked up but could see nothing but rocks and the cliff face above him. He wasn’t sure how much further they would be able to go. Hopefully they’d find a dead end and head back down, giving up this crazy idea.

But every time they came to what seemed impassable terrain, Rothart would find a way through. And each time Yabrauk would curse under his breath, following his friend higher up.

“This mountain goes to the sky Rothart, some say that gods live at the top. How much higher must we climb?”

Rothart turned around, staring at Yabrauk “We climb until we can climb no more.” he turned back around and kept going.

Yabrauk felt a chill, and not just from the cold air around him. He had never seen such a look in his friend’s eyes before, nor had he ever heard him speak in such a way. Something was different about Rothart, something had changed in him. The mountain trail wound upwards, they came to a broken trail, the other end of it lay across an expanse of open air. Rothart stared up at it then to the sheer drop off below.

“We can’t scale that. We will surely fall to our deaths.” said Yabrauk.

“You have little faith. Of course we can scale this, come.”

Rothart walked to the edge of the trail and placed a hand in a rough ledge on the cliff face “We only have a little ways to go and trail continues.”

“We have no way of getting across that, we are not goats, we are men.”

“Come Yabrauk. Are you not my friend? Will you not aid me?”

Yabrauk walked over “What do you want me to do?”

“Lift me up.”

“Lift you up? Lift you up where?”

“There is a ledge.” Rothart pointed to a ledge halfway up the face “If I can reach it then I think I can get across.”

“You are mad Rothart. I will not be responsible for killing you, I can’t be, you are a dear friend. Please, let us go back. There is nothing on this mountain so important.”

“I will go myself if you don’t lift me. I will leap and hope I make it.”

“Why? Why this madness? What do you seek that you would risk your life for?”

“I must reach the top.”

“Why Rothart? What lies there? It may be gods or it may be death, neither are things we wish to meet. We could both die, don’t you care about that? Care about my life?

“Of course I do. I would not have selected you for this journey if I didn’t. Now come, lift me up.”

“And what shall I do? Wait here while you ascend the mountain?”

Rothart shook his had “That won’t work, you’ll come with me. You’ll leap and I’ll pull you up.”

“Ha, friend you are mad.”

“Help me, do not abandon me now.”

Yabrauk shook his head and looked at the cliff face again. They hadn’t scaled anything like it before. He saw few places for support but down below was a drop that would kill them.

“Yabrauk, we don’t have much time.”

“What do you mean?”

“Just help me.”

Rothart eyes bore into his own, there was that look again. Like a crazed man.


Yabrauk walked to the edge and helped Rothart up. He gave a push and held his breath as his friend grabbed onto the ledge and scrambled across. He slipped once and Yabrauk slammed his eyes shut. He didn’t hear a scream or the slamming of his friend’s body below. He peeked one eye open then the other. Rothart stood on the other side looking down at him.

“Come, follow me up.”

“You are too far to reach me. Maybe I should go back.”

“Yabrauk!” the voice had changed “You would abandon me now?”

“How can I pass?”

“You must leap.”


“It is the only way.”

“This is not what you said before.”

“I misjudged.”

“Friend I cannot do this. I will die.”

“Don’t mock me Yabrauk. You are stronger than I, jump and you will make it. Please, don’t leave me here alone.”

“How will we get down?”

“The mountain will provide a way.”

Yabrauk looked up at his friend. His eyes had changed, he looked like he had as a boy. When they would play together with their mothers watching over them. Yabrauk sighed and looked up at the ledge. He could do it. He gathered up all his strength and made ready. He ran forward and leapt. He grabbed the ledge with both hands but one slipped. He gave a cry and looked down. Far below he saw the ground. He reached up with his free hand and grabbed the ledge with his fingers. He looked over at Rothart and saw deep worry in his friend’s eyes.

“Here.” said Rothart offering a hand.

“I’m too heavy, I’ll drag you down. Move…I’ll make it.” Yabrauk worked his way over and ascended to the trail.

He collapsed exhausted and his nerves on edge. Rothart embraced him tear running down his cheeks.

“Forgive me for putting you through this, but it will be worth it in the end.” said Rothart.

“Where are we going? What do you mean?”

But Rothart was up and already headed up the trail “Come, we must move quick.”

Yabrauk followed behind him. The trail went higher up the mountain. Soon they’d enter into the clouds, the territory of the gods.

“We must be careful Rothart, soon we will be in the land of the gods.”

“Bah, you have nothing to fear from them.”

“Don’t speak such things. They might hear you.”

Rothart didn’t answer. They followed the trail up into the clouds. The land around them changing. Yabrauk lost Rothart in the mist. He’d disappear only to reappear at his right or left. They drifted on in the fog covered mountain going higher and higher. Yabrauk found it hard to breath and had to stop, placing his hand against a boulder.

“Rothart we are going to high. This is the land of the gods, man was not meant to be up here.”

“We’re almost there friend, don’t give in now.”

“Almost where?”

Rothart didn’t answer. Yabrauk pushed off the boulder and continued on. Where were they going? Where was his friend taking him? Rothart ran quicker, disappearing in the fog.

“We’re almost there Yabrauk.” he heard him shout, followed by yelps of glee.

“Where?” Yabrauk ran forward following after the sound of his whooping friend.

The fog got thicker as Yabrauk pressed on “Rothart? Rothart!” he heard nothing.

He kept on. Suddenly the fog around him gave way and he stood looking down at a large basin. The sky was clear above him and the sun beat down. What world was this? This must be the land of the gods. Ahead of him he saw a river stretch, forests on either side of it. He looked down and saw Rothart standing a short distance below him. He turned to Yabrauk and smiled ear to ear.

“Have you ever seen anything like it?” he asked.

“What is this place?”

“We’re almost there, we have to keep moving.”


Rothart was off again, skipping down the decline towards the mysterious land beyond. Yabrauk sighed and followed after him. They entered a lush jungle but something was strange about it. Yabrauk didn’t hear any birds or any sounds of wildlife. He couldn’t even hear the river that he knew was close by. The silence was eerie to Yabrauk. Rothart kept rushing off ahead of him, as if he knew exactly where to go.

The trees started to get sparse and they rushed out on to a open circle in the middle of the jungle, in the center of it was a small hut.

“What is this place?” asked Yabrauk.

Rothart raced for the hut, not answering. Yabrauk stopped. What was going on? Where had his friend taken him? Rothart paused and turned around, staring at Yabrauk.

“Come friend, we have made it.”

“Speak Rothart, speak and tell me what is going on here.”

“Friend, my friend who I have known my whole life, do you not trust me? Do you think I would mislead you?”

“What is this place you have taken me too? Have you spoken with the gods Rothart?”

Rothart’s eyes bulged and his smile widened “I have, oh I have Yabrauk. They came down to the foot of the mountain. I saw them and I was not scared. Still, I ran to them, I ran to them and threw myself at their feet. I asked them, I asked them ‘what must I do to become like one of you'”

“They answered you?”

“They did, they did and more. They said to bring a brother and to come to their mountain. I said ‘lo I have no brother’ and they said fear not, for a friend like a brother is the same to them.”

“Same to them?”

“Don’t you see Yabrauk? We are both to become as gods here…here in this hut on this very mountain.”

“Become as gods?”

“Come, come to the hut Yabrauk. We are almost there. Our enlightening is at hand.” Rothart turned and raced for the hut.

Yabrauk followed after him. Rothart waited outside until Yabrauk was there.

“Knock four times.” said Rothart.

Yabrauk wrapped on the door four times. It cracked open. Rothart walked in front of him and into the hut. He followed after. The inside was large, far larger then the hut was on the outside. It stretched out in every direction. At the far end in front of them they saw a fire burning in the distance.

“That is the fire, come, we must meet them there.”

They set off for the fire. Yabrauk looked at the ground, though it was dark he could still see markings on it. Strange black markings covered the floor they walked on as far as he could see. He looked back up and the fire was in front of them, though it had looked far away a few seconds before.

“I do not like this place Rothart.”

“Silence, do not insult them.”

“I am but a man and this is a place for the gods.”

“Shh, soon we will be as them.”

Yabrauk shook his head. How could man be as god? Man was man and god was god. Surely this was a trick of some sort. Yabrauk shivered, the gods’ tricks could often be cruel. They were known to kill mortals for sport. Yabrauk looked at the room around him. It had shrunk since they came in, though still far larger then the hut outside.

“Rothart.” a voice echoed around the chamber and settled down next to them.

Yabrauk saw a column of smoke bubble up from the floor and spread, revealing a triangular shaped head and two smoky arms.

“You have brought he who is like a brother to you?”

“I have.” said Rothart.

“Good, good. Speak your name, brother of Rothart.” said the voice.

“I am Yabrauk son of Yortham.”

“Yabrauk son of Yortham. Rothart son of Rothar.”

Yabrauk peered over at Rothart. He was smiling the smile he had before.

“Rothart, do what must be done.”

Rothart nodded. He turned and walked over to Yabrauk placing a hand on his shoulder “Are you ready to ascend, one who is like a brother to me? One that I have known my whole life. One that I love as my own family.”

“I…I don’t know Rothart.”

“He is not ready?” asked the voice.

Rothart looked into Yabrauk’s eyes “Do you not wish to become as one of the gods? Do you not wish to be free of being a man?”

Yabrauk looked over at the smoky pillar “I don’t know Rothart. Man was not made to be a god, he is man and man should he stay.”

“You bring ignorance here, this man does not wish to be enlightened.” said the pillar of smoke.

“Yabrauk do not speak such foolish talk. What man is offered this? Come, take this blessing. This blessing the most generous of gods has offered to us. Come and let us be one with them. We have been chosen Yabrauk.”

“You do not wish to live as one of as? As a powerful and knowing being?” asked the pillar.

“I…I don’t know. I am a man and a man I should stay.”

“What of our people? As gods would we not aid them? Would we not turn to tide against the Ahmalutes, would we not drive them to the sea? Would our sons and daughters ever know of hunger? Our people would be blessed, would you not do this for them, if not for yourself?” asked Rothart.

“I could do these things?”

“As a god there are many things one can do.” said the voice.

“Then I shall do it. I wish to become as a god.”

“Good.” said the pillar “Now come before me.”

The fire faded from the room as another light filled it, a dark red light shone out from the pillar of smoke.

“Stand before me. Rothart son of Rothar, start the process.”

“Yes.” Rothart bowed towards the pillar and turned to Yabrauk “You have been the truest of friends. You have been by my side since I was a babe, I love you as my own brother, I say this all with truth.” Rothart smiled.

Rothart glanced back at the pillar then Yabrauk. With a sudden jerk forward Yabrauk felt something slam into his ribs. He looked down and saw a sharpened shaft of stone sticking out. Rothart pulled it back and stepped a few paces away, a bloody knife in his hand. The pain radiated through Yabrauk’s body. He fell to his knees, staring at Rothart in shock.

“I have done what was needed O mighty one. I have spilled the blood of my brother.” said Rothart.

“So you have.”

“Now, give me what is my due. Make me as a god.”

“You have done as was asked and therefore the reward will be yours.” said the voice.

Yabrauk fell to his side. He watched the pillar begin to vibrate. The light grew brighter and Yabrauk saw movement on the outer rim of the light. The room was filling with shadows and form he could not make out, all at the edge of the light. The pillar moved towards Rothart.

“Kneel before me.” it commanded.

Rothart did as he was told.

“Give me the blood.”

Rothart handed the knife to the pillar. The pillar reached out and seized it. The shadows from the edges rushed in. Yabrauk saw forms he did not know could exist in this world. Forms that shocked and horrified him to his core. They came and they swirled around the three, faster and faster, in a sort of dance.

“You wish to be as a god Rothart son of Rothar?” asked the voice.

“I do, I have done what was needed. I wish to be as a god.”

“Then you shall have your wish.”

The pillar’s arms snaked forward and enveloped Rothart’s head. They retracted and the forms rushed in on him. Yabrauk heard screams that echoed through the entire chamber. Rothart screamed again and again. The screams turned to sobs and then silence. The forms went back out to the edge of the light. Yabrauk looked over and saw a bloody mess where his friend has once knelt. The only thing left was his face, a look of horror and pain permanently etched onto it. He heard laughter, laughter echoing out from the circling creatures. The pillar turned to Yabrauk and joined in the laughter. Yabrauk looked down at his side, he hoped he would expire soon.

“Look at the foolishness of man.” said the voice lifting an arm in Rothart’s direction “That fool slew his own brother for that which man can never do nor ever be.”

“The foolishness of man, the foolishness of man.” repeated the circling multitude.

“What…what is to become of me?” asked Yabrauk.

“You will die as man is fated to do.” replied the pillar.

Yabrauk groaned and fell to his back, the swarming growing faint around him.

“These creatures will never learn.” said the voice “They will never learn.”

“Man will never learn, man will never learn.” echoed the circling mass.

The light around Yabrauk grew dim. The voice echoed in his head. “Man will never learn.” then there was darkness.

The Desert Haunt: A Dark Fantasy Short Story Fri, 15 Jan 2021 05:00:00 +0000 Titus leaned back against the door to the inn “This really isn’t my kind of job you know.”

“I know, but you’re all I have. You fight spooks don’t you? Things that haunt the night? Things that creep and stalk, that murder and destroy? Right?”

“I do.”

“Then what’s different about this job?”

“What you need is a small army or militia. Gather up those you can from the town and go out and deal with them.”

“I’ve tried, I come to you because I’m desperate.”

“Like I said, I’m not you’re guy. I have to be back in the capital in a week’s time anyways.”

“Please, give me a day. I’ll pay you whatever you want.”

“Whatever I want?”

The skinny man nodded.

“I want a horse.”


“You could scrounge up a few men to fight for less then that.”

“Ruffians maybe. Bullies, but not trained killers.”

“Never thought of myself that way.”

The man shrugged.

“Alright.” Titus stepped forward extending his hand towards the man “You have a deal.”


Titus looked down at the meager camp below. Some things weren’t adding up. This man, a man of means, had his daughter taken by a local group of thugs. Thugs Titus was tracking. What he saw below confused him. He had expected a great army. Yet all he saw were four men and a girl with her hands tied behind her, sitting around a small fire in the rocky desert. Titus leaned back over the outcrop he was observing from and shuddered.

He had forgotten how cold it got out here at night. He breathed into his hands trying to warm them. This should be an easy enough task, if the man had given him the right information. Just go down there, kill the men, grab the girl, and return back to the town for payment. Not his usual fare but it got him a horse and that was something he desperately needed if he was going to make it to the capital on time.

He peeked back over at the camp. One of the men was lying down in his bedroll but the others were still awake tending to the fire. The girl hadn’t moved, she stared into the fire. She didn’t looked beaten or bruised, surprising for the situation, or so he thought. Then again Titus wasn’t all that familiar with it. He breathed into his hands again. He should have brought more covering. He had been sweating on the march out here following the ill hidden trail of the criminals.

That was another thing thought Titus. They hadn’t gotten very far. If they were to sell the girl they’d have to head to the southeast yet they were still within a few hours travel of the town. What were they waiting for? If Titus was them he would have driven them far and hard until they had put more than a couple miles between them and the town. One more thing that didn’t make sense about this whole situation. Titus blinked and stifled a yawn. He didn’t want to give his position away but he was dead tired.

He’d have to wait, see what they were going to do tonight. At least he wouldn’t have far to travel with the girl once the deed was done. Titus leaned back over the outcrop and back to his supplies. He heard movement somewhere close to him. Instinctively he placed a hand on his dagger and crept forward. There was shuffling in the rocks above him. Most likely an animal of some sort. Perhaps it had smelled the food that he had kept in his pack.

He saw two eyes glinting in the moonlight above him. He drew his dagger and kept himself low. The eyes slunk down and padded forward to the outcrop he was on. It was a catoyte, not a huge threat, but could still kill you if you were dumb enough to let it. It let out a low growl and started forward. Titus hissed at it and brandished his knife in the creature’s direction. It paid him no mind, must be desperate thought Titus. For a moment Titus thought of throwing the creature some of the food from his pack.

He wasn’t far out of town and would have enough coin to buy more. But then he thought better of it, the creature would just come for him after it had its fill. Titus hissed again and swung the blade through the air in front of him. The creature kept up its advance.

“Get.” whispered Titus flashing the blade again.

The creature snarled and kept forward. Titus whipped the blade through the air, then the creature pounced. Titus brought the blade back around as the beast slammed into him. The creature let out a yelp as Titus tossed it over him, it hit the ground with a thud and the land was silent again. Titus crawled back over and looked over at the ground below. None of the bandits had moved or seemed to have taken any interest in the sound. But there was something different below.

Titus spied another figure in the circle. It was clad in a long brown robe, its back towards Titus. He glanced over at the catoyte lying motionless on the rocks below. He turned back towards the group and saw they were all looking towards him. Titus froze, staring down at the group. He couldn’t make out much of the figure in brown. It looked like a gaunt man but he couldn’t be certain. He slunk back down and began to gather his things. He didn’t want to stay there in case they came up for him.

As he left the outcrop he calmed himself. Maybe they had just been looking in his direction, maybe it had nothing to do with him. Maybe there was another catoyte or some other varmint that had crawled through the rocks. He made his way down, heading back in the direction of the town. He didn’t want to start a fight with that many armed men, or even unarmed ones. He rounded a bend in the rocks and froze, listening. He didn’t hear anything so continued on.

On his path he felt something change in the air around him and spun, one hand undoing the pack from his back and the other drawing the sword from his side. Standing behind him was another catoyte stalking forward. Titus shook his head.

“Get, go on.” Titus shooed the creature away.

It crouched low and started torwards him as if to attack.

“What has gotten into you creatures?” said Titus lowering himself.

The creature leapt and with a swift blow Titus sent it to the ground dead. He grabbed his pack and re slung it on his shoulder, staring at the body of the dead beast. He continued on, keeping his sword drawn. He thought of heading back to the town but then decided against it. He didn’t want to get too far from the girl. He changed course and headed back towards the camp. When he got close he stopped short and found a small crevice to place his bag in. He hoped the animals would leave it alone, at least for a few minutes.

He stalked back towards the men, his sword still drawn. He crept through the rocks and over a small hill to a spot he could see them all below. Crouching down he peeked over a ledge and saw the camp. He gasped, the girl was free and walking about the camp. Not only that but she seemed to be making demands of the others. Titus strained his ears to hear.

“It’s getting late.” said the girl.

She was answered by the figure in brown mumbling something Titus couldn’t hear.

“I don’t care. This was supposed to be quick and this was supposed to be easy. Why are we still out here?”

“You’re awfully mouthy.” said one of the men sitting by her.

“Watch your tongue Bertold. Without me, none of you would even—”

She was cut off by the figure in brown saying something.

“I…I didn’t mean you. But the rest of you would be out of a job. You’re lucky that I even chose you.”

“Oh, so now we ought to be grateful to you?” asked Bertold.

“Bitch is getting uppity on us.” said another.

“Maybe we do something about that.” replied Bertold.

“You wouldn’t dare. I’d have my father hang you all from the town walls.” replied the girl.

Titus heard a harsh sound from the figure in brown that shut them all up.

“Why’d you have to get him involved.” said Bertold.

Titus crept up over the rock and down towards the camp trying to hear better. He heard shuffling in the rocks and saw three catoytes heading towards the camp. The figure in brown made a motion with his hand that caused the catoyte’s to stop and growl. They turned from the camp and fled into the night.

“Let’s do what we came to do.” said Bertold.

Titus started to crawl on his belly towards the camp, leaving the cover of the large rocks that were surrounding it. He made his way to a low rock closer to the camp and splayed out behind it, peeking out the side to see.

“Alright now.” one of the men stood up and walked towards the girl “I’ve had enough of this bullshit. You didn’t say anything about getting a damn spook involved, all we wanted was some money. Marcus, hey Marcus get up!.” the man yelled at his sleeping companion who began to stir.

The man started torwards the girl and removed a club from his side. The girl turned to run and was waylaid by Bertold who threw her to the ground.

“Aren’t you going to do anything?” she pleaded, looking up at the figure in brown.

Titus couldn’t hear an audible response but the girl shrieked and tried to flee again, the man restrained her and threw her to the ground.

“You’ll never get my father’s money like this. Never! You need me, you need me.”

“Shutup, we’ve decided that you’re more trouble then you’re worth. Plenty of dumb rich men to take money from.” replied Bertold, placing a booted foot on the girl’s back pushing her to the ground.

Titus cursed, he didn’t want to die out here for a meager reward but he had told the man he’d do what he could. He drew his dagger and sprinkled powder from a pouch at his side on both it and his sword. Then he took his flint and a steel bit and struck them, both blades were set aflame as Titus rose up from behind the rock. He walked forward at a slow pace, his heart hammering in his chest.

“It’s another spook!” shouted Bertold removing his boot from the girl’s back.

All in the camp turned towards Titus. Titus noticed that the girl had started to slink away. The figure in brown turned and stared at Titus for a moment. It wasn’t a man at all. The gaunt face was that of a skeleton. Titus frowned, the men might be intimidated by the flames but the skeleton would know who Titus was.

“I’m not dealing with a spook.” said one of the men.

“Silence.” Titus heard the brown figure speak in a raspy voice “What are you doing here inquisitor?”

“I’ve come for the girl.”

“The girl?” asked the skeleton cocking its head to one side.

Titus nodded.

“I’ve never known an inquisitor to save damsels in distress.”

“Well, I’ve made an exception. Give her to me and go on your way.”

“What of me inquisitor? You are going to let me walk free?”

Titus nodded again.

The skeletal face smiled “You are a unique inquisitor, Sir…”

“Don’t worry about my name.”

“Fair enough. Saving a girl for…coin? I’m guessing. And letting a “spook” like me go free?”

“You’re not my mission.”

“Maybe not today but what about tomorrow? Why not get the work done early?”

“He’s not taking the girl.” Bertold spoke.

The girl got up to run when Marcus tackled her, bringing her back towards the circle.

“This is just a mortal man.” said the skeleton “You can slay him if you will.”

The men looked at one another and at the flaming blades in either of Titus’ hands. Titus lowered them both towards the men.

“And this spook can be slain by steel and, unlike me, is unarmed.” said Titus.

The men looked towards the skeleton.

“How about we kill all three of them and be on our merry way.” said one of the men.

Titus took a few steps back as the men crowded forward. The figure in brown spun whipping out its skeletal hand, a wave of black liquid spilling out onto the closest man. The man screamed and took a few steps back. Titus heard the crackling and popping of the man’s skin as he fell to his knees. The liquid continued to melt through as the man fell to the ground, kicking and rolling before finally settling down, dead.

The other men looked at the figure in brown and began to back away.

“This shit ain’t worth it.” said Bertold.

“You will not flee.” said the spook.

“Like hell I won’t.”

“Leave and I’ll hunt you all down, you know I can. Stay and slay this inquisitor and you’ll be freed from my service.”

“Your service? What kind of contract did we get ourselves into?”

The figure pointed towards Titus. The men looked at one another and then to Titus.

“Keep the girl here Marcus.” said Bertold walking torwards Titus, the other man behind him.

They spread out to either side of Titus to flank him. Titus knew he didn’t have much time to work. With a yell that surprised both men he charged forward and overwhelmed Bertold with a volley of blows. The man was fell and let out a scream as Titus’ blade pierced his arm followed by a dagger in the neck silencing him. Titus pivoted away, letting Bertold’s body fall to the ground. The other man looked at Titus and his flaming blades then to Marcus. He turned and started sprinting away into the night.

The figure in brown rushed forward quickly, closing the distance with the man and slamming a skeletal hand through the man’s back. The man let out a sharp cry that was stifled, he fell to the ground. Titus lowered his blades towards the figure in brown and moved towards Marcus and the girl. He glanced over at Marcus who was shaking. The man backed away holding a knife to the girl’s throat.

“I kn-kn-know you both n-n-need her.” stuttered Marcus “E-either one of you get a-any closer and I’ll, I’ll kill her.” Marcus pointed the blade closer to her throat for emphasis.

The figure in brown closed the distance between them and stood a few feet before Marcus.

“Don’t get any closer.” pleaded Marcus.

“Leave the girl and fight the inquisitor.” said the figure in brown.

Marcus shook his head “No, I saw what he did to Bertold. I’m not dying tonight.” Marcus took a few more steps back.

“And did you not see what I could do?”

“Either way I’m dead, I don’t want anything to do with this. We were just supposed to rob this spoiled bitch’s dad. What the hell is all of this.”

The girl struggled in the man’s arms “Let me go, he’s not going to hurt me.”

“Yeah but he’ll hurt me.” replied Marcus squeezing the girl tighter.

“You planned on robbing your father?” asked Titus.

The girl looked over to him “What of it?”

“He sent me here to get you.”

“Well isn’t that touching, but too little too late.”

Titus shrugged laughing “I take you back and I get my pay, so you’re coming with me one way or the other.”

“I need the girl.” said the figure in brown.

“What did you get involved with him for?” asked Titus pointing a still flaming blade towards the figure in brown.

“He was supposed to help. You were all supposed to help and now looked what you’ve done.” said the girl.

“What did you expect? That a bunch of men you hired out at a tavern were going to follow princesses’ orders? You’re lucky worse hasn’t happened to you yet.” said Marcus.

“I need the girl, that’s all I came for.” said Titus.

The figure in brown turned towards Titus “She’s mine inquisitor.”

“I’m nobodies.” said the girl.

“That’s where you’re wrong.” replied Marcus pulling her back a few more steps.

“Marcus, release her and help me fight the inquisitor. Then I’ll set you free.” said the figure in brown.

“I hope you don’t actually believe him.” said Titus “You saw what he did to your companions.”

“Shutup, both of you.” Marcus twisted and turned as if being physically attacked “Dammit just shutup alright. Shutup.” he twisted and turned some more.

The girl bit down on his hand and rushed forward. Roaring and cursing Marcus swung the blade around and pierced it into the girl’s side. She fell to the ground and Marcus was on top her. He struck another blow before the figure in brown placed a skeletal hand through his neck. Marcus fell to the dirt, a top the girl.

Titus sighed, shaking his head.

“The girls dead and my purpose her is done.” said the figure, rising up.


“I thought I wasn’t your mission inquisitor.” said the figure turning to Titus.

“Changed my mind. Maybe dropping your head off at the nearest government post will net me what I need.”

The figure stalked forward “You ready to deal with me inquisitor?”

Titus nodded. The figure rushed forward then darted to the side. Titus struck down warding the creature off. It circled to his back. Titus spun swinging out with his sword, the creature leapt back and started circling again. He studied the creature’s movements and faked a swing. The creature reacted.

Titus flung out his dagger with the other hand, piercing into the creature’s robe, igniting it. The creature let out a scream and began flinging the black liquid towards Titus. Titus held out his sword, igniting the liquid and causing it to vaporize before it hit him. He took a few steps back and watched as the figure fell to the ground, rolling and screaming.

It was silenced a few moment later. Titus walked and slammed his sword down, severing the creature’s charred head. He grabbed it and walked over to the girl. He kicked Marcus off and looked down at her. He was glad he hadn’t ventured too far from the town. Gathering his things, he tied the head to his belt and threw the girl over his shoulder, heading back to the town.


“What is this?”

“Your daughter.”

“I wanted her alive inquisitor, not…not like this!”

“I wasn’t given a choice in the matter.”

“What happened?”

Titus sighed and told the man what had happened. The man sat for a few moments after the story staring at Titus.

“Lies.” he said finally.

The man stood up and pointed an accusing finger at Titus “Lies! My precious daughter would never consort with thugs, much less with the intention of robbing me! She was the light of my life. That she would rob me, her own father! It goes too far. My daughter was an angel. You need to get out inquisitor. Get out before I call the guard on you.”

Titus shrugged and turned. He heard the man muttering to himself as he left.

“Lies, lies, lies.”

Titus made his way to the local post and turned in the head of the figure in brown. He counted his coin afterwards and sighed.

“Not enough for a horse but at least I won’t starve.”
