The Town: A Short Story Of Action & Horror

The Town: A Short Story Of Action & Horror by Arthur Drake

Balthazar pulled his cloak tighter around him. He saw his breath mist up in front of him and blow away on the wind. It wasn’t supposed to be so cold yet, but this had been a strange year. A few neighboring towns had spoke of witchcraft and creatures in the night, a baby had gone missing in another town, a farmer found torn to shreds in another. All around his own little town of Prudence there had been dark tidings. Yet so far nothing had happened here. As if this little town was protected by some bubble.

The preacher had said it was because they were true believers and those in the other town not. But Balthazar had met many a man and women who were anything but true believers in this town. Were those in the others towns really that bad? He didn’t think so. Nevertheless the guard had been doubled. He had work to do at home yet here he was, staring into these dense woods with a poleax. The leaves had fallen from the trees and formed wet clumps on the ground. Leaving everything spare. The animals had started going away too, yet one more problem.

It was just this weather he told himself. Has everyone losing their mind. A strange year, weather a little different, and people think the world is coming to an end. Nonsense, really. People die every year, why just last year Mother Vienna was found mauled by a bear. Yet that wasn’t chalked up to ghouls or devils of the night. Balthazar shuddered, he remember finding her, amazed at the power of the beast. Who needed ghouls with creatures like that? Ever since then he had slept less sound. He even forbade his wife from going out after dark. They found and killed the bear, but it did little. It didn’t bring back Mother Vienna nor did it do anything to quell the fear that has spread.


Balthazar turned around to see a cloaked man walking towards him, his hood up and arms clasped tight around him.

“Nathaniel.” replied Balthazar.

“It’s getting cold out here.”

“It’s too early for this chill.”

“I know, strange times, strange times indeed.”

“You here to relieve me?”

“Afraid so.”

Balthazar nodded and handed the poleax over to him “Try to stay awake. Watching the leaves rustle does get boring after an hour or three.”

“Don’t I know it. Go quick, Mother Matrid is still serving the food.”

Balthazar rushed away towards the center of the town. It was a small town, one main street with a church that also served as a court, and a small school house. Not much, but enough to qualify as a town in these parts. Though he always thought village would be a more accurate term. He saw the townspeople lined up on a set of long benches made for eating. Women in bonnets moved back and forth among them serving food. Balthazar found a open spot at a crowded table and sat down.

“Balthazar, how nice of you to join us.” Father Brown, an older man and father of Balthazar’s closest friend smiled “How are things at the perimeter?”

“Cold and boring.”

The table laughed as Balthazar was served a plate of food.

“I’m sorry if its a bit cold dear. I do wish they would bump the cooking time back a short while, that way those coming back from the watch could get it nice and warm.” said Mother Matrid.

“It’s fine mother, I’m too hungry to care anyways.”

“Such a sweet dear.” said Mother Matrid as she walked away.

“You see any monsters?” asked Quinton, Father Brown’s youngest.

“Enough of that talk son. Don’t bother Balthazar with such foolish questions.”

Balthazar turned to Quinton “Oh, I saw plenty of monsters.”

“You did?”

“Terrifying monsters alright. Big things with fangs and sickly skin. Were headed right towards your cabin last I checked, said something about hiding under a bed.”

Quinton’s eyes grew wide, he spun turning to Father Brown “Father! Are there monsters in the house?”

Father Brown chuckled “Run along and forget about such talk of monsters Quinton.”

Quinton got up from the table eyeing the two, then shot off towards other boys running in the distance.

“Forgive him, he’s young.”

“It’s fine Father, tell me how does John fare? Have you any news?” Balthazar took a large sip from the bowl placed before him.

“No more than last time my boy. Last I heard he was traveling to Hospitality. Can you imagine that? My boy working as a doctor there?”

“It’s quite an accomplishment.”

“So it is, so it is.” Father Brown looked down, his eyes misty.

“What is it Father?”

“Oh…nothing, I just miss him so. I know he’s off doing important things. I just wish those things brought him around more then they do.”

“I understand, I miss him to.”

“I know you do lad. I know…though with all these things that have been going on, I’m glad he’s not here. Not right now.”

“I think people are just getting spooked Father. The cold weather and all.”

“It has been cold, dreadfully cold. Wonder where it came from?”

“Not sure.”

“But there’s more to it than that.”

“What do you mean?”

Father Brown looked around at his family filling the table “After you’ve had your fill, why don’t you go on a walk with me.”

“Of course Father.”

“I’ll be waiting.” Father Brown stood up and left the table.

Balthazar watched him go then returned to his meal. Taking his time savoring every bite. He had been on watch eight hours, he felt he deserved it.

He found Father Brown sitting by his house. Seeing Balthazar he gave a wave and started for the woods. Balthazar jogged the short distance between them to catch up.

“What’s the hurry father?”

Father Brown glanced over his shoulder and back to the woods “There are some things I wish to discuss with you, but not here.”

They went past the guards and into the forest.

“Be careful out there!” called Jeremiah, a guard, as they passed.

“We’ll be back shortly.” replied Father Brown with a wide smile.

The smile disappeared as they entered the solitude of the woods.

“Come, I have fears Balthazar.”

“Fears father? Fears of what?”

“About all of these tidings that are going on.”

“Father don’t let these things get to you. People spook, it’s what they do. Some little change in their life and they’re off ascribing it to various devils, demons, and spooks of the night.”

“I know, I know boy. It’s more then that though…” Father Brown sighed.

“What is it?”

“It’s about John.”

“What about him?”

“I haven’t heard from him in over three months, about since the time all these stories started cropping up.”

“Father, John’s a doctor, and a traveling one at that. I’m sure he’s just busy or perhaps he never got your letter.”

“That’s what I thought, so I kept writing. I told him it was fine to just write when he could. That me and Mother Mary missed him so. How the children were doing and all that. But then I got a letter back.”

“A letter from John?”

“No, from someone I had never heard of in my life.”

“Who? What did it say?”

“Patience boy. He didn’t say much. Just that strange things were happening throughout the countryside. He said to beware and take caution. That this blackness across the land had already hit villages and towns all through the North, and was working its way down. My first thoughts went to John and why I hadn’t heard back from him. The letter went on to say that Prudence was next to come under attack. That was a month ago and I haven’t heard anything since.”

“Who signed the letters.”

“A John, but not my own. The handwriting was completely different.”

“Who delivered the letter?”

“That’s the other thing. I just found it on my doorstep one morning. It hadn’t been there the night before and I heard no one during the night. It spooked me even before I opened the dreaded thing. There’s something going on out there Balthazar. I don’t want to raise a panic but there’s something dark in these woods and I fear whatever it is may have gotten to my boy.”

“The letter is strange father, there is no doubt about that. But that does not mean John has come to any harm. The cities stay safe at night. Even the letter says its been towns and villages that have been struck, not cities.”

“Still, why haven’t I heard back from my son?”

“I don’t know but there’s no reason to rush to conclusions.”

“Maybe not…keep a watchful eye Balthazar. Though it may be nothing more then the work of man, we all know how evil man that can get.”

“I will father, now can we go back in? It’s getting cold out here.”

“Of course my boy, of course. Keep this little chat between you and me?”

“I will father.”

Balthazar sat on his porch. Outside snowflakes fell. At first he had been startled and called his wife to come see. ‘Snowflakes this early?’ she had said. They had run around in them before she retired for the night. The snow continued falling and something was keeping him up. He stared at the woods surrounding their cabin. He had never seen snow this early, much less this much. It was starting to coat the ground and looked like it wouldn’t be melted by morning. Balthazar adjusted the pipe in mouth and inhaled.

He watched the orange glow from the burning tobacco and then blew out a long trail of smoke, watching it disappear into the moonlit sky. He stared at the moon when he heard the snap of a twig somewhere in the woods. He nearly dropped his pipe as he looked back down. He placed one hand on the ax by his side. He stared into the woods but didn’t see anything. He shook his head and relaxed his grip on the ax. Probably a deer or something. He took another puff on the pipe and resumed watching the smoke trail drift up into the sky.

The snow started coming down harder. They were barely done with the harvest season and already this. It was the weather that had everyone so out of sorts. A slight change in the weather and everyone loses their mind. Like a full moon but ten times worse. Balthazar smiled and shook his head. What foolishness.

“It’s just a bit of weather.” he said.

“Balthazar.” Balthazar shot out of the chair, his heart in his throat.

Someone had spoke from right next to him. He spun and saw a figure there. Balthazar fell back off his porch pointing a shaking hand at the figure.

“Who…who…who are you?”

The figure stepped forward and threw back a hood revealing a familiar face.

“John!” shouted Balthazar standing back up “Why, what on earth are you doing? I nearly died of fright.”

“I apologize friend…I was afraid, wanted to see you now…in case I couldn’t later.”

“What are you talking about? You are always welcome here.”

“I know, it’s not that. Can we talk inside?”

“Of course, Sarah’s asleep so we’ll have to be quiet, but come. We still have a fire going.” Balthazar grabbed his ax and headed into the two roomed house he had built.

“A bit warmer in here.” said Balthazar “Come, take a seat, how have you been?”

John glanced around the room and back towards the door.

“What’s wrong John? You act as if the devil himself were chasing you.”

John cracked a smile “Not quite.” he took a seat, the smile gone, and looked at Balthazar “I have much to tell you.”

“Then speak friend, have you seen your father yet? He’s worried sick about you.”

John looked down at the ground “I know he is.”

Balthazar cocked his head to the side “What did you want to speak with me about? How’s being a doctor in the city? You must meets all sorts of interesting people.”

“I do…I came to talk to you about everything that’s been going on around these parts.”

Balthazar laughed “Goodness you don’t mean the ‘darkness’ do you? Surely as a doctor you know its nonsense. Weather’s changed a bit and people are losing their heads.”

“It’s more then that.”


“A great deal more.”

“What’s going on?”

“I don’t know how to start, I…I saw things up North. Things I’ll never forget, no matter how dearly I want to.”

“Being a doctor isn’t easy, you knew that when you signed up. I’m sure you see all sorts of horrors.”

“It’s more than that Balthazar.”

“What is it?”

“I’m not talking about natural things here. I’m not talking about blood and guts and measles and bumps and the like. I’m talking about things that aren’t of this world, or at least shouldn’t be.”

“Not of this world? You sound like a mad man John.”

“I wish I were. Part of me still hopes that I may be. Balthazar the land is sick and the sickness is spreading.”

“What did you see John?”

“There are things in the woods. Things that creep about, they follow the one in red.”

“One in red? And if the woods are so dangerous what are you doing stalking about at night in them? And coming all the way down from the north?”

“I had to get away. I’ve traveled night and day as fast as I could to get here. And your house is the first place I went.”

“But these sightings have gone on for awhile now John.”

“I know. I wrote them off when I first heard of them. It wasn’t until I saw him with my own eyes did I flee.”


“The one in red.”

“Who is the one in red?”

“He commands the things that stalk through the land.”

“What things John?”

“The creatures.”

Balthazar shook his head and leaned forward “John…” he looked up at his friend “Did you write that letter to your father?”

“Letter to my father? No, I haven’t had any contact with him. Did he get a letter?”

“He got a letter, a letter from a John warning him about what was coming. He didn’t think it was yours because of the handwriting.”

Balthazar saw worry cross John’s face. He looked back towards the door.

“I have to be going.”

“Going, going where?” asked Balthazar.

“I fear for my father.” John stood up and walked towards the door.

“Hold on, you won’t be going alone.” said Balthazar grabbing his ax.

“No Balthazar, stay here.”

“What’s going on?” asked a woman’s voice.

Balthazar saw the door open and Sarah peek her head out.

“I have to make a trip to Father Brown’s dear, I’ll be back.”

“Is…is that John?”

“It’s good to see you Sarah. I apologize but I must be off. I have traveled far and must be getting home.”

Sarah glanced from one to the other. John gave a slight bow and pushed the door open, walking out. Balthazar followed after. John spun and placed a hand on his chest.

“Stay here, do not leave your wife out here alone at night. There is too much that stalks these lands.”

Balthazar looked at the forest around him. What had been so peaceful to him a short time ago now took on an air of foreboding. He glanced back to John and saw he had taken off into the snow, headed towards his fathers. He shook his head and went back in the house. He put a chair by the door and slept there for the night.

Balthazar looked at the corpse before him. The only way to tell that it was Father Brown was from the usual grey suit that he wore. The body was being taken from John’s house. He looked over at John, his mother clinging to him. John glanced up at Balthazar, a knowing look on his face. Balthazar walked over them.

“It’s just horrible.” said John’s mother.

“I know mother, I know. James.” John turned to his next eldest brother “Take mother and get her something to drink. I have to talk with Balthazar.”

James walked off with their mother into the house.

“What happened?” asked Balthazar.

“Something got to him, something that wasn’t human.”

“When did this happen?”

“During the night, as I was coming up to the house.”

“What did you see?”

“Something clawing up the side of the house, getting into their window on the top floor. The claw marks are still there, though mother has convinced herself it was a burglar.”

“Be the first robbery we’ve had in Prudence since it was settled.”

“So it would.”

“I’m sorry…”

“I know…so am I. But…that things not done.”

“What do you mean?”

John stepped out from the doorway and away from the house “These things don’t happen in isolation. This won’t be the only attack. They’ll be back, though a different house will be chosen.”

“How will we know which one?”

“We won’t. I don’t know what to do Balthazar. Anyone I tell this too will think I’m mad.” John kept walking towards the rear of the house “I’m already being held in suspicion. I come back during the night and the next morning my father’s murdered.”

“No one in this town thinks you murdered your father.”

“You don’t know that…here.”

John pointed up the rear of the house. There Balthazar saw three holes were claws had scraped up the side of the house and into a shattered window up top.

“What are we going to do?”

“If we can find the one in red, we can stop all of this. He’ll be close, that’s why things are starting here.”

“The one in red? You know where to find him?”

“I have a hunch…” John coughed, tears coming to his eyes “I knew this was coming. I should have gotten here sooner.”

“There was nothing you could have done. We find the one in red and we’ll deal with this.”

John looked over at him “Grab your bow and I’ll see if I can get a few of the town’s muskets. The one in red is dangerous. Meet my here at sundown.”

Balthazar warmed his hands on his coat. It’d be hard pulling back a bowstring with his fingers so numb. It had gotten even colder then it was the night before. Snow covered the ground and the winds were howling. John walked a few paces ahead of him, a musket slung over either shoulder. He held a torch ahead of him that whipped back and forth with the wind. They were headed deeper into the woods. John had barely said a word since they met. A quick hello and then they were tromping through the forest.

Balthazar kept close. He noticed John was shaking when he met him and figured it was from the cold, but maybe it was something else. Who was the one in red? And what power did it have? Questions swirled through Balthazar’s mind as they continued into the night. The moon was high in the sky, casting light down through the leafless trees. The snow piled higher the further they went. Balthazar feared getting stuck out here. Even if the one in red or its creatures of the night didn’t get to him, the cold might.

“John!” called out Balthazar but he was drowned out by the wind “John.” he called again getting closer.

John didn’t respond.

Balthazar reached out and tapped John on the back. He spun around wide eyed, one hand on the dagger he kept at his waist.

“John it’s me!”

John’s eyes went back to normal “You scared me half to death.”

“I tried calling, but the wind.”


Balthazar shook his head and leaned in “Where are we going?”

“Not much further.”

John turned around and went on. Balthazar trailing after. Ahead of them he could make out a cluster of trees close together. They neared the cluster and John found a small opening to go in. Balthazar followed after. Inside the landscape changed. The wind was almost a whisper and the snow was half the height it was outside.

“What sorcery is this?” asked Balthazar.

“I’ve found these spots all through my travels. I was able to keep warm but that’s when I saw him.”

“The one in red?”

“Yes, he should be here soon.”

“You think muskets will kill such a creature?”

“If they don’t, then we don’t have any other options do we?”

Balthazar shrugged. They found a spot in the circle of trees, behind some dying brush and sat down.

“Now we wait.” said John.

They sat and waited. The snow fell but not all of it would stick. The moon started to descend when they heard movement across the clearing. They saw the trees part and a robed figure walk in. It was bent over but still taller then a man, its robes were red, and it walked with a large stick for support. It had its hood up but Balthazar spotted a snout peeking out the front. Balthazar looked over to John who was fast asleep. He reached out and grabbed John’s shoulder, giving him a light shake. John didn’t respond. Balthazar shook him harder, still no response. He poked John with his finger but he wouldn’t wake.

“He’s going to stay that way.” the one in red spoke “You can come on out Balthazar, I know you’re here.”

Balthazar stood up, grabbing one of John’s muskets as he did.

“Have you come here to kill me?” the one in red hobbled towards him.

“If I must.”

The one in red nodded. He looked up at Balthazar revealing his full countenance. He had a long rat like snout and two dark eyes set in a furry face.

“And why is that?”

“You’re terrorizing the countryside. You’ve killed men, women, and children.”

“I have?”

Balthazar nodded.

“And you have proof of my misdeeds then?”


“Yet you would still kill me?”

Balthazar glanced over at John then back to the one in red “What did you do? Did you cast a spell on him?”

“I did nothing to John, Balthazar. He is simply asleep.”

“But how did you know that? How did you know my name?”

The one in red sighed and hobbled forward a few more steps “Sit with me.” he said.

The one in red stretched out a gnarled finger and pointed at the ground. The snow there melted in a circle giving them a spot to sit. The one in red sat on a stump and motioned for Balthazar to sit across from him. Balthazar knelt, the musket at the ready.

“Did John say where he met me?”

“In a clearing like this.”

“Is that right? What else did he say?”

“That was it.”

“I see.” the one in red nodded “And how did he know that I was responsible for all of this? All these things that have been happening?”

“I don’t know.”

“Strange, yet he knew right where to find me.”

“What are you saying?”

“Balthazar.” the beady black eyes locked with Balthazar’s “Me and John are linked. We have been ever since he first met me outside the woods of the hospital. Most chase me off, but John, John was different. He wanted to know who and what I was. I told him and he wanted some of that power for himself. So I gave him some, in exchange I’d have access to his mind. Know his thoughts, his location, even his feelings towards me.”

“So…who are you?”

“I am the one in red.”

“You’re a sorcerer?”

“Of sorts.”

“Why do you attack the towns and villages?”

“Have I done that much? I need power to survive, to keep going. From towns of hundreds I take one or two most. From villages I take one. John knew this and knew that if he wanted more power he’d have to join in on it.”

“What do you mean?”

“You think this work was my doing alone? John has been busier than me. Which is why you’re here. John saw me as a threat and wants me done for. He can feed off my death and grow stronger than ever before.”

“Why didn’t you kill him last night? Why did you go after his father?”

“Go after his father?” the one in red shook his head and sighed “There is a particular way my magic works. It is sustained and grows by life, but the value of that life makes it grow stronger. When I take from a town or village I am granted strength and life. But when I take from that which I know or love my power is magnified by that amount.”

“You’re saying John killed Father Brown?”

The one in red nodded “I’m afraid so.”

“I don’t believe you.”

“You don’t have to. I would take his musket if I were you, he’s waking.”

Balthazar glanced over at John and back at the one in red “I’ll be just fine.”

The one in red nodded. Balthazar heard John stirring then give a shout.

“It’s him.”

John rushed over and stood looking between the two “Balthazar, what are you doing? You should have shot him already.”

“He…he knew I was here.”

John spun and drew his knife, dropping the musket. He charged at the one in red. The one in red shot up. The two met in a tangle of limbs and sinew. The one in red started to change before Balthazar’s eyes. Growing larger. Balthazar took a few steps back and began preparing his musket. He watched as John’s dagger pierced into the one in red, again and again with a almost inhuman speed. The one in red began to bulge out of its robes. The creature was growing faster and faster. John slammed the dagger into the creature’s neck three times, faster then Balthazar had ever seen a man move. The on in red stumbled forward on top of John who pushed him to the side. It fell to the ground where it made a gurgling sound. The one in red was roughly a third larger then he had been when the fight started. Balthazar looked over at John. He was staring down at the one in red with a smile on his face.

“What did you need me for?” asked Balthazar.

“You helped me get the drop on him. He thought his lies could turn you.”

“How much of that was lies?”

“Not all, I’ll admit that. I’m sorry I had to deceive you. If you thought I had met with this creature before, then I was afraid you might be suspicious of me.”

“Did you make a deal with that thing?”

“I was curious nothing more and nothing less. And I would never touch my father, you know this. Come, let us return home. The darkness should be clearing up.”

Balthazar fingered the musket, staring at John.

“What is it?”

“I’ve never seen any man, or beast for that matter, move as fast as you just did.”

“You have nothing to fear from me. If I wanted to slay you, would I have not done it last night? When I first came to you?”

“I guess so.” Balthazar let his grip relax on the musket.

“Now let’s get away from this dark place.”

They went back towards John’s home, the wind and snow gone. John leading as always. What he had just seen tumbled around in Balthazar’s mind as they went. He watched John ahead of him, something was different in the way he walked. He swayed side to side, his arms closed in around him. Balthazar paused, something was wrong. John had his head low and Balthazar saw a ripple through his body. Balthazar raised the musket and prepared it to fire.


He got no response.


Still no response.

Balthazar stopped and lifted the musket.


His friend’s body shivered, like the skin and bones were shifting underneath his coat.

Balthazar aimed the musket at the back of John’s neck, then fired. He walked over and kicked John’s body over. His face had been transformed into a gooey black, almost reptilian looking thing. His hands were no longer hands but blackened appendages with three long claws on each. Balthazar shuddered and drew his ax. He lifted it up and aimed for the neck, he never missed.

The dark tidings across the land has simmered down but that did nothing to loose the noose that was tight around Balthazar’s neck. He looked out at a town that hated him, dark faces, save one, all around.

“You have been tried and found guilty of the murders of both Father Brown and his son John Brown. You have been sentenced to be hung by the neck until death.” the constable continued his speech the rest of the words lost to Balthazar.

Balthazar’s attention turned to the woods around him. Sarah had gone to live with her parents in Harmony. She’d be safe there, she’d have plenty of suitors. She was young and only recently married. There had been nights in the time since he saw John that he thought he was mad. When they had found him, they had found nothing but a normal human body, except the severed head with the bullet through it. But deep down Balthazar knew what had happened. He knew what lurked out there in those woods and he doubted that John and the one in red were the last of it.

He heard a final command then the sound of the floor underneath him dropping, tight extreme pressure, then blackness.