Writing My First Medieval Horror Novel

I am excited to write that I have almost finished my latest project. A dark fantasy, medieval horror novel reminiscent of Berserk, Between Two Fires, or the Soul’s series of video games.

This is a genre that I have wanted to write in for a very long time but did not feel like I was ready to do it justice just yet.

But after writing twenty plus sword and sorcery novels I felt a call to pivot genres and start writing something different.

That something being medieval horror.

Sword & Sorcery, Dark Fantasy, & Medieval Horror

I’ve noticed that my writing habits have a lot to do with my reading habits. Where I started out reading more action oriented stories and novels I felt like writing sword and sorcery. Things like Conan and the like. That was the genre where I felt most at home. However after reading more and more I felt like something was missing from my reading experience.

Then almost by chance I stumbled across a few horror authors. And I devoured their books like a hungry dogs does a piece of bacon. However I did not realize that horror was a genre that appealed so much to me. I figured it was simply the skill of the author and not the genre.

And while the skill of the author certainly matters, I was missing something big.

See in my head horror was slasher movies, vampires, men in ridiculous wolfmen costumes, jump scares, and either general cheesiness, grossness, or too much gore. It was only by being exposed to “deeper” horror did I realize I had a deep love for the genre.

A Story Of Medieval Horror

This love led me to writing the first book in the Kingdom of Ash & Sorrow series. A new horror series that I plan on writing at least a trilogy in. I have yet to name the first book but it involves a knight who must enter a cursed world to save those that he loves and keep the cursed world from overwhelming his own.

This book is both dark fantasy and medieval horror. I draw a lot of inspiration from the Souls series of video games, as well as authors like Gene Wolfe and books like Between Two Fires by Christopher Buehlman. If any of the above interest you then this will be a book you’ll want to check out.

I’ve been wanting to write it forever and seeing it near completion is exciting to say the least.

Dark Fantasy & Horror

I’m excited to write horror. To explore depths of the genre. I feel like I am finally to a point where I can do such a story some justice.

Or at least attempt too.

Only time will tell if I succeeded.

Regardless, I learned a lot in the journey and am grateful for it. Just like I’m grateful for you. Without readers like you I could not do this and could never dream of making it as a full time author.

So thank you for reading.

I’ll have more on the first book in the Kingdom of Ash & Sorrow soon.

Until Next Time,

-Arthur Drake

P.S. Be sure to follow me on Amazon so you’ll be alerted when the book does finally come out.